3 Tactics To Help You Increase Your Personal Injury Settlement Offer
Being involved in a serious car accident can result in injuries that leave you in financial trouble. In addition to paying for medical expenses as you recover, you may find that you are unable to work as a result of your injuries so you don't have any money coming in.
Filing a personal injury lawsuit can be a great way to access the financial help to which you are entitled. Many personal injury cases are settled out of court, and there are some simple tactics you can use to help increase the settlement offer extended to you by an insurance company.
1. Don't negotiate without a settlement figure in mind.
You should take the time to discuss the facts of your personal injury case with an experienced attorney prior to fielding any settlement negotiations.
Your lawyer will be able to help you determine a rough estimate of what your personal injury case is worth, and you will be able to work together to determine a minimum settlement amount that you want to accept. Having this figure in mind makes it easier to refuse low-ball offers without feeling anxious or stressed out.
2. Always ask for justification when extended a low settlement offer.
Some insurance adjusters will extend an extremely low settlement offer just to see if a personal injury victim knows how much their case is worth. You can combat this tactic by requesting that the adjuster provide justification for his or her offer.
You can evaluate the adjuster's response to your demands and adjust your own settlement request based on the information provided. You may find that the adjuster counters with a higher offer rather than wasting time justifying an initial settlement offer that he or she knows is much too low.
3. Refer to the emotional aspects of your case frequently.
When negotiating with an insurance company to resolve your personal injury claim, you should make it a point to bring up the emotional effects of your injury regularly.
Reminding the insurance company that your injury has impaired your ability to work or care for your family can be a subtle reminder that any settlement offer extended to you should include compensation for your pain and suffering.
Your attorney will be able to help you identify any consequences of your personal injury that might have financial value in court, and you should use these emotional aspects to help you negotiate a fair settlement. For more information, you can contact companies like Meadows Law Office.