Why You Need An Attorney After A Motorcycle Accident

Hiring an attorney after an accident is common, but if you are in an accident that you did not cause, it is critical that you have an attorney that understands the kind of accident you where and how the law regarding it works. A motorcycle accident can be a tough call sometimes, but in more cases than not, the driver that hit the motorcycle is at fault, not the motorcycle.

Wrongful Death Claims Following Workplace Accidents

Losing a loved one is always painful, but it can be especially trying if their death was easily preventable. Although money is rarely the first thing on anyone's mind following a tragic workplace accident, the reality is that the loss of a loved one often leads to financial loss, as well. When a close family member dies, you lose the monetary support that their income provided along with their close emotional support and love.

New Lease On Life: Ban On Sentencing Juveniles To Life Without Parole Applied Retroactively

When juveniles commit serious crimes like murder, it's not unusual for prosecutors to seek and obtain life without parole sentences for them. In 2012, the Supreme Court decided that forcing minors to spend their entire lives behind bars represents cruel and unusual punishment and abolished the practice. However, it was uncertain whether this decision applied to cases that were prosecuted prior to 2012. Recently, the Supreme Court confirmed that people sentenced to life without parole as juveniles are eligible for relief under the new rule.

Installing And Using A Dashcam: 5 Legal Considerations You Should Make

Dash-mounted cameras (or dashcams) are popular in some countries. Indeed, experts believe that around one million people use the devices in Russia, but dashcam adoption in the United States is a lot slower. The legality of these devices is an issue that may put some drivers off the idea, and it's certainly important to consider how the law feels about these surveillance devices. If you're thinking of installing a dashcam, make sure you learn more about the five following legal issues.

Are You A Child Abuse Survivor? You May Be Able To File A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Many times, victims of child abuse suffer silently. They may not have the support of a trusted adult or they may not realize that any harm is being done to them. But then they reach adulthood and start realizing the trauma that was inflicted on them. Many adults who lived through child abuse have post traumatic stress syndrome and some are incapable of leading normal lives due to the abuse they received.

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions: How You Can Claim Worker's Compensation Benefits

The worker's compensation program was designed by the government to provide compensation for individuals who are injured or become ill as a result of their career or trade. Worker's compensation benefits operate under a "no-fault" system, meaning that you are entitled to benefits if you can simply prove that you are injured or ill. In 2009 alone, worker's compensation provided benefits to approximately 124.9 million employees. Surprisingly, the benefits also extend to pre-existing medical conditions that start up again or get worse.

Tips For Reducing Your Appeal To Slip And Fall Scammers

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, there was a 57-percent increase in the number of dubious slip and fall claims submitted to insurance providers between 2008 and 2010. Because of the nature of these types of accidents, it's often very easy for scammers to fake them and make money by submitting claims (or filing lawsuits) for phony injuries. Possibly the best way to avoid having your business fall victim to this type of scam is to make your company unappealing to con artists.

Should You File A Medical Malpractice Case If Your Elderly Loved One Dies After A Procedure At An Outpatient Clinic?

Have you recently lost an elderly relative or loved one during an outpatient procedure that you believe may have gone wrong? More than likely, their doctors warned you or the patient in advance that procedure or the use of anesthesia in the elderly could be dangerous, as they have less physiological reserve to handle the stress of surgery. Even so, if you have a nagging suspicion that your loved one's death was not caused by their age but possibly by negligence on the part of the doctor or the clinic, you should seek legal help.

3 Social Security Disability Tips For Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Living with a disease that causes chronic pain is hard enough. Going to work every day while living with a disease that causes chronic pain may be nearly impossible – yet many fibromyalgia sufferers attempt to do just that, because they don't know that they can qualify for disability benefits, or they don't know how to get approved. If you're living with fibromyalgia, or you're living with chronic pain that you suspect is caused by fibromyalgia, there is help out there for you.