
Some Things You Should Know About Probate

Every adult should be thinking about his or her end-of-life documents. Many people fail to take the necessary steps to protect their wealth and their property, and because of that their estate ends up in something called probate. Here are some things you need to know about probate and how you can avoid it. What Is Probate? Probate is a court-mandated process that overlooks the distribution of your assets, wealth, and property after you die.

What All Employees Need to Know About Whistleblowing

In order for employees to be treated fairly while also providing a way for employees to report offenses by an employer, laws have been put into place to provide protection from whistleblowing retaliation. The following are some things to think about when it comes to whistleblowing: How Do Laws Protect Employees From Employer Retaliation? When an employee reports egregious behavior by an employer, he or she is considered a whistleblower. Employers can retaliate against employees if they find out who got them into trouble.

What to Know About Codicils in Wills

If you have realized the need to make out a will, congratulations! Your loved ones will have the blessed benefit of knowing exactly how you want your property to be handled upon your death. It is one of the most caring things you can do for those you leave behind, however, a will that is never updated could only cause more confusion and stress. As your life changes, so should your will.