
3 Benefits Of Having A Traffic Lawyer

One of the last things you may want to see behind you is a flashing blue light. This is typically a sign that you need to pull over and talk to a police officer. The reasons for doing so can range from speeding too fast or driving too carelessly. Regardless of why you're being targeted by this professional, you may be faced with a traffic violation. This can cause you some issues, and you'll want to be sure to work with getting many of these reduced in the shortest amount of time.

Just Moved To A "No-Fault" Auto Insurance State? 2 Things You Need To Know Before You Suffer An Injury In An Auto Accident

If you just moved to a new state, then it is important to update your auto insurance policy to reflect your change in residence. If you found out that the new state you live in is a "no-fault" auto accident state, then it is important to learn all about no-fault auto accident law and how no-fault auto insurance works before you update your insurance policy. Performing the research now can alleviate a lot of stress and hassle later if you do get involved in a serious auto accident and wonder who to call and just what to do.

Divorcing And Own A Home? What To Remember

After marriage, the natural next step for couples is often to purchase a home together. Being homeowners is an excellent idea; the problem really only arises when the couple is faced with a divorce. Owning a home together in the midst of a divorce can introduce a number of challenges that must be carefully considered. Home Ownership Doesn't Change If both you and your partners' names are on the deed, you are both legal owners.

Why Pro Se Divorces End Up Requiring A Lawyer's Help

When you decide to do a pro se divorce, you may be thinking it is the easiest thing in the world. Your partner may be quite agreeable to the terms you both decide are fair and equitable. The paperwork you need to file is all online and printable, and you only have to pay court filing fees. Simple, right? Sure, at the moment, but situations change, and divorced partners rarely like how things turn out, especially when one partner begins to succeed in life and has more than the other partner or the other partner wants more time with the kids than he or she originally agreed to.

Company Legal Issues You Can And Can't Handle On Your Own

When you run a business, everything is your responsibility, from marketing to payroll. However, one thing that doesn't necessarily need to be up to you is handling legal matters. There are some legal situations that come up that you and your qualified staff can handle, but for other situations you should really have a company lawyer. Here are some things you can and can't handle on your own. Terminating Employment When a Lawsuit is Possible

Are You A Property Management Company? Use Written Rental Applications To Avoid Liability

As a property management company, you have to ensure that your property gets good tenants. They have to be able to pay rent on time. They also need to have a history of good behavior, something that guarantees that they won't damage your property or be a danger to other tenants. This is why the screening process is a must if you want to avoid the stress that usually comes with managing rental properties.

Divorcing More Than The Spouse: Who Gets Rover?

Who gets the pets when you and your spouse divorce? Pets are considered personal property no matter what state you live in and must go through the same protocol as divvying up the house, land, and personal belongings. All divorce proceedings follow the same procedure regarding personal property--even who gets Miss Kitty, Goldie the Goldfish, or Rover the Roving Bulldog. You'll be asked: Do you live in a community property state where everything is split in half?

Making The Right Move: The Bankruptcy Decision

Those financial problems are beginning to mount; you are behind on nearly every obligation and you are constantly being harassed by collection activity. To some bankruptcy filers, the decision day is put off far too long, and you may now be in danger of losing your home and car to foreclosure and repossession. Before things get too out of hand, it might serve you to consider exactly what a chapter 7 bankruptcy filing could do for you.

Some Things You Should Know About Probate

Every adult should be thinking about his or her end-of-life documents. Many people fail to take the necessary steps to protect their wealth and their property, and because of that their estate ends up in something called probate. Here are some things you need to know about probate and how you can avoid it. What Is Probate? Probate is a court-mandated process that overlooks the distribution of your assets, wealth, and property after you die.

What All Employees Need to Know About Whistleblowing

In order for employees to be treated fairly while also providing a way for employees to report offenses by an employer, laws have been put into place to provide protection from whistleblowing retaliation. The following are some things to think about when it comes to whistleblowing: How Do Laws Protect Employees From Employer Retaliation? When an employee reports egregious behavior by an employer, he or she is considered a whistleblower. Employers can retaliate against employees if they find out who got them into trouble.