Don't Do These Things After An Auto Accident

If you end up in an auto accident that causes an injury, it's important that you take the proper steps to ensure that you receive compensation for the accident. Here are some things you want to avoid doing after an automobile-related accident.  Not Calling The Police It doesn't matter how small your auto accident is, since it is very important that you call the police and have a report made on site. [Read More]

How Hard Is Doing an Estate Plan?

Estate planning is something that often sounds like it will be hard to deal with. After all, you're talking about a person's entire legacy in terms of finances and assets. You might want to know how hard an estate planning attorney thinks it will be. Let's explore how hard or easy the process might be and why that may be the case. Diversity of Assets Much of the challenge of estate planning hinges on just how diversified your assets are. [Read More]

What Happens If A Victim Is Partially Responsible In An Injury Case?

The feeling that comes from being partly blamed for an incident that left you hurt can be brutal. However, that doesn't mean you automatically lose any chance at filing an insurance claim or suing. This how a personal injury lawyer looks at cases involving split responsibility. Partial Responsibility Is Normal It's worth taking a second to recognize that it's perfectly normal for both parties in a case to have some responsibility for what happened. [Read More]

Should Your Small Business File For Bankruptcy?

It can be challenging for new business owners to stand by and watch the company they have worked hard to establish begin to struggle. You may not be sure what steps to take in order to alleviate the financial burden causing your small business so much distress. Business owners will often view bankruptcy as a sign of failure, when bankruptcy can actually be a valuable tool that will help you manage your financial obligations and protect your fledgling company. [Read More]