What to Know About Codicils in Wills

If you have realized the need to make out a will, congratulations! Your loved ones will have the blessed benefit of knowing exactly how you want your property to be handled upon your death. It is one of the most caring things you can do for those you leave behind, however, a will that is never updated could only cause more confusion and stress. As your life changes, so should your will. [Read More]

7 Things to Avoid Doing After a Car Crash

Statistics reported by the National Highway Traffic Administration show that more than 5 million automobile accidents occur each year. That amounts to about one every minute, and there's a chance that you could be involved in one too. Knowing what to do and what not to do can make a huge difference in staying safe and avoiding liability issues. If you've been in a car accident lately and felt as though you didn't handle it quite right, or you just want for you and your loved ones to be prepared, here are seven things to avoid doing following a car crash. [Read More]

Injured At Your Company's Holiday Party? Can You File For Workers' Compensation Coverage?

The end of the calendar year can bring a number of parties and events, including the workplace holiday party -- from a lunch affair to a booze-fueled event that lasts until the wee hours of the morning. While attendance at these workplace parties may be expected (or even required), as some employees have learned, injuries suffered during these parties may not fall under the workers' compensation umbrella. When can you submit a workers' compensation claim for injuries suffered at a workplace party? [Read More]

Christmas Fundraising Fraud: 3 Considerations Before Giving to Organizations

The holiday season is often a time of giving. While it's great to be charitable, it's also important to understand exactly who you are giving to. If you give to a cause that is not so charitable, then you have given away precious money that doesn't go to the organization you think it does. Getting scammed around Christmas can come with a lot of hurt feelings and emotions. In cases like this, getting legal help from a lawyer can help prevent your getting ripped off and losing out on money that you deserve. [Read More]