How Does Workers' Comp Handle Out-Of-State Injuries?

When you work and live in the same state, filing a workers' comp claim is fairly straightforward. However, things can become fairly complex pretty quickly if you work in a different state from where your company is located and are hurt on the job. Here are some issues you may encounter when filing a claim for an out-of-state injury with workers' comp. Coverage May Be Time-Restricted A common problem people who are injured while traveling for their jobs or working in out-of-state locations face is that the company's policy may limit how long coverage will apply to people working in extraterritorial areas. [Read More]

Beyond Regular Workers' Compensation: Death Benefits

When workers are injured on the job, workers' comp provides that worker with several valuable benefits. When the worst happens and that worker actually passes away as a result of a workplace injury, there are also valuable benefits available to the worker's loved ones. Read on to learn more about what types of benefits are available and who is eligible to receive them. What Benefits are Available? Keeping in mind that every state has slightly different rules pertaining to death benefits, in most cases the eligible members of the deceased worker's family qualify to receive the same salary portion that hurt workers do. [Read More]

Is Your Child In Special Education? 2 Reasons You May Need To Hire An Attorney

If your child is in special education, things may go perfectly for them throughout their school years. However, this is not always the case, and there may be times when you need to hire a special education attorney. To help you know if you will need to do this, below are two reasons you should contact this type of attorney. Complicated Problems Some problems you may have are easy to address, such as problems with a teacher giving too much homework, but there are other problems that are much more complicated. [Read More]

A Guide To Handling A DUI Case

In order to be sure that you're protected in your driving under the influence (DUI) case, you'll need to reach out to a professional that can look after your case. By knowing the ins and outs of your arrest and legal parameters, an arrest lawyer will be able to build your case and ensure that you're treated fairly. To get the outcome that you want with your legal situation, read on and consider the following tips. [Read More]